About Triplee
Founder Of TripleE And Vice Principal Of A Toronto High School
Elevating and Educating Excellence (TripleE) is an organization specializing in aiding students to recognize their worth and comprehend their abilities by bridging gaps in their learning. The founder, Sherfieldann John, is a racialized Canadian citizen who grew up in a low-income, single-parent household. Ms. John comprehends that racialized and marginalized individuals encounter numerous challenges and levels of trauma while attending school.
As a result, she has devised a solution aimed at addressing the underlying problem. This solution is focused on providing her students with fundamental skills required for employability, self-actualization, and a step closer to assuming collective ownership of their education, health, and wellness.
What we stand for
Our Mission
TripleE aims to offer participants access to knowledge that isn’t readily available to marginalized community members. This will be accomplished by providing crash courses and coaching sessions tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual.
Our Values
The purpose of TripleE is to provide marginalized individuals who want to have a strong academic career with the knowledge that they need to prosper. The time is now to organize, mobilize and learn how to be an active member of society through building an infrastructure that is based on our communal needs.
Our Vision
Our mission at TripleE is to equip participants with the essential tools, skills, and resources they need for success within and beyond the educational system. We are dedicated to providing marginalized students with the means to acquire the skills necessary to navigate the educational system and the Canadian economy successfully.